Music Animated

February 23-25, 2017

The Music Animated concert series returned for its second installment, featuring the Minnesota-based group Dreamland Faces. Puppeteers Seth Eberle, Masanari Kawahara, Angela Olson, and Laurie Witzkowski joined the band onstage, creating a spectacle similar to a live music video or a musician accompanying a silent film. Directed by Bart Buch.

The wordless chronicle delved into the history of South Minneapolis as visual echoes of the past were synchronized with the music. Dreamland Faces drove the narrative with mesmerizing compositions that conjured forgotten scenes by way of accordion, cello, piano, coronet, and musical saw.

Co-presented by In the Heart of the Beast & Music Animated.

This activity was made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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